Our Outlook for the New Year
Leave a CommentThe New Year is now underway—do you know what that means? It’s time for us, as a company, to look back at our successes of the past year and work to capitalize on them in the coming year. This past year proved to be a record year for Sutton Garten is sales, and that is […]
Tags: bulk co2, coldjet dry ice blasting equipment, hypertherm plasma cutting line, welding training classes

Helping Solve America’s STEM Problem
Leave a CommentThere has been a great deal of discussion of late about America’s lack of qualified workers. A recent survey from Georgetown University claims that we will face a shortage of 5 million qualified job applicants by 2020. How could this be possible? Why is the U.S. losing its competitive edge, and why is the problem […]
Tags: how to solve the skills gap, stem and manufacturing, stem training, welding training classes indiana

Need a Bulk Supply of Liquid Nitrogen? Our New Trailer Delivers!
Leave a CommentFor many years, Sutton-Garten has supplied liquid nitrogen to customers in a wide variety of industries, from the food and beverage industry (for making ice cream, pouring draft beer, etc.) to the welding industry (gas pipe purging, laser cutting, etc.) and the automotive industry (pressurizing tires). In a previous blog post, we talked in-depth about […]
Tags: bulk liquid nitrogen, bulk liquid nitrogen delivery, liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen for automotive applications, liquid nitrogen for food and beverage, liquid nitrogen for welding

U.S. Manufacturing Is Trending Up – Slowly, But Surely
Leave a CommentWe’re hearing a lot of positive news lately regarding the U.S. manufacturing sector and the economy, in general. It seems as if manufacturing is making a welcome comeback here – slowly, but surely – and a similar recovery trend is happening in other countries around the world. A recent report said, “American producers are leading a […]
Tags: american manufacturing, current state of american manufacturing, manufacturing, reshoring

Recapturing CO2 Works to Everyone’s Advantage
Leave a CommentEnvironmentalists around the world have been talking about the negative impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on our environment for decades now. It seems as though every day we hear complaints about CO2’s relationship to rising sea levels, extreme weather, and climate change. Heat waves, superstorms, and deadly tornados are routinely blamed on the climate […]
Tags: co2, co2 and emissions, recapturing carbon dioxide, what to do with recaptured carbon dioxide
Liquid Nitrogen: Industries, Applications, and Advantages
Leave a CommentAs a compact, easily transportable product, liquid nitrogen has been used in a range of industries and applications for many years. Its beneficial uses include cryogenics, backup nitrogen, shrink-welding of machinery, various cooling applications, HVAC industry usage, sample preservation, beer production, and many food storage, preservation, and preparation methods. Especially popular in the food industry, […]
Tags: bulk carbon dioxide, bulk liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen for the food industry, uses for liquid nitrogen
Are You Wired For Welding Safety? OSHA Turns its Attention to Manganese in Welding Wires
Leave a CommentIn its mission to protect welding workers nationwide, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recently turned its attention to cutting down on the use of manganese in welding wire. Welding wire is often composed of many different materials and elements, including manganese, which helps prevent corrosion when added to steel. The problem for welders and […]
Tags: how to cut down on the use of manganese in welding, manganese and welding, osha, osha standards on manganese in welding

Narrowing the Manufacturing Skills Gap with Welding Training Classes
Leave a CommentFor more than a year now, manufacturers across the U.S. have been facing a skills gap: There just aren’t enough skilled workers available today to fill key manufacturing jobs – welders, machinists, industrial machinery mechanics, etc. According to one recent poll by Industry Week, more than half of the manufacturers surveyed said, “We need skilled […]
Tags: manufacturing, skills gap in manufacturing, us manufacturing, welding classes, welding classes and manufacturing

Our Recent Welding Involvements
Leave a CommentAs spring has gotten underway, things have really picked up here at Sutton Garten. By this, we mean we have been involved in a lot of different industry events! Let us tell you about them. AWS Chapter meeting: As members of the AWS, we often attend chapter meetings, to keep in touch with other members […]
Tags: american welding society, aws, aws members, welding, welding community, welding students

Keeping the Welding Community Safe is a Top Priority at Sutton-Garten
Leave a CommentWhatever the industry, if there are welding operations, there is potential for a wide variety of hazards. At Sutton-Garten, keeping the welding community safe has been, and always will be, a top priority. Some of the hazards affiliated with welding that can cause complex safety and health issues are: Toxic gases and fumes Explosions Fires […]
Tags: how to keep welders safe, safety and health issues in welding, safety in welding, welding and safety