Why Welding May Need to Lighten Up on Helium
Leave a CommentFor being the second most abundant element in the Universe, helium is becoming harder and harder to obtain. Helium is widely utilized in industry and is used in MRI scanners, nuclear power plants, the Large Hadron Collider, and, of course, welding. Helium has remained popular in the welding world as a shielding gas due to its […]
Tags: helium, shielding gas, welding
Welding Jobs: How to Stay Cool This Summer
Leave a CommentIn most parts of the United States the temperatures are rising, and it’s only going to get warmer. Although welding is typically performed indoors, the heat can still take a toll on workers. Welders are usually required to work for long periods of time in heavy protective gear and equipment that can add to the […]
Tags: heat stress, safety, summer, welding
Size of the job? That doesn’t matter, but quality and service do.
Leave a CommentAt Sutton-Garten, we understand that the size of the welding job doesn’t matter. That’s why we not only sell equipment and gases to companies, but we also sell to individuals. Besides offering a wide array of products to our larger customers, we also offer training for a variety of certifications and welding techniques. Our training […]
Tags: american welding society, aws, News, stick welding, tig welding, welding, welding industry, welding training classes

Welcome to Sutton-Garten’s New Site
Leave a CommentSince 1918, Sutton-Garten has been supplying quality welding supplies and gases, and now we are proud to announce our new, updated website which provides a more navigable web experience on all devices. The new website features a clean user interface showcasing products and services with fresh photography. Additionally, customers can browse the site on phones […]
Tags: New Website, News, Update

Pro Tips For Staying Productive During Summer Downtime
Leave a CommentSummer is the slowest season for business regardless of the industry. In the manufacturing arena, it is common for many plants, shop floors, and engineers to take an extended leave. The demand simply isn’t there like it is the rest of the year. With business orders slowing down it becomes a perfect time to reanalyze […]
Tags: downtime at work, manufacturing, manufacturing downtime, manufacturing in the summer, productive, productive ways to stay busy during summer, summer, summer months in manufacturing, summer slow down, workplace productivity
Double Checking Your Safety In The Workplace
Leave a CommentStaying safe at the workplace can be very different to many people depending on their occupation, field, and level of expertise. At Sutton-Garten, we specialize in helping all within the manufacturing fields, especially welders, remain safe during their work days. By now you have noticed that June is Safety Awareness Month, and you have given […]
Build Savings with Sutton-Garten
Leave a CommentWhen it comes to welding equipment, at Sutton-Garten, we have spent the past 90 years ensuring our customers have access to the very best. On top of supplying them with the highest quality equipment, this also means getting them the best prices, often at steep discounts—prices not found anywhere else. This means working tirelessly with […]
Tags: and welder/generators, generators, MIG welders, Miller machines, multi-process welders, plasma cutters, TIG welders, welder, welders, welding equipment, welding equipment rebates

Our Plasma Cutting Equipment Inventory is Growing!
Leave a CommentWhen you’ve been in business for over 90 years, you learn a lot about how to meet your customers’ needs and strive to exceed expectations. While there are many factors that contribute to almost a century of this success, one of the best ways to keep meeting needs and expectations is by providing the newest, […]
Tags: Hypertherm, Hypertherm PowerMax 30 Air, innovative tools, plasma cutting, portable plasma cutting
Sutton Garten Manufactures Dry Ice Daily
Leave a CommentAt Sutton Garten high-density dry ice is manufactured daily. Dry ice has unique features especially when it comes to its chemistry and quality. Unlike regular ice, as we commonly know it, dry ice does not melt into a liquid rather it dissolves into a gas. This process is known as sublimation. Dry ice is useful […]
Tags: buy dry ice, high-density dry ice, tips for handling dry ice, tips for storing dry ice
Company Upgrades to Better Serve Our Customers
Leave a CommentFor over 90 years, we have provided quality welding and cutting equipment, supplies and gases to the metal-working industry. We offer rental and repair services for welding and cutting equipment, training for welding certifications, and provide bulk gas and dry ice to the food and beverage industries. To better serve our customers, our team has […]
Tags: american manufacturing, bulk carbon dioxide, bulk liquid nitrogen, current state of american manufacturing, liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen for the food industry, manufacturing, reshoring, uses for liquid nitrogen